before and after

tutu fancy

Coming up to my dear friend’s daughter’s 4th birthday !

She requested something “fancy!”

I spotted these tulle tutu’s at the thrift last week, and didn’t want to just make a top to put the skirt at the bottom. Although, this is how it turned into a rainbow dress, with yellow at the base.

After much deliberation, I added the tulle mesh as side panels. Hope the birthday girl will enjoy this creation as much I dreaming it up!

before and after and after: rainbow sweater

I first stitched this awesome black rainbow sweater into this halter in 2019.

Very simply, I made the sleeves into the top halter part and left most of the bottom waistband as is.

I’m a bit more advanced in my sweater stitching and also prefer different cuts as I age.

I still prefer halters! This style has more adjustable options. Happy Pride!

outgrown but not ready to hand down

My friend has always gotten courtneycourtneys and customs made for her family and friends’ kids. I received a stack of pieces that her niece has outgrown but was not ready to part with just yet!

My first thought when I was going through all the clothing was, YES. This mama takes care of her clothing and I really appreciate that so much.

I created one dress from four, one sweater from two and a pillow from three.

Send me a photo of your outgrown clothing you’d like re-sewn, and I can see what I might be able to make!

I really enjoyed making the pillow!

before and after and after: neiman marcus cotton cable knit sweater

I first sewed this mens sweater in April 2022 into the vest dress. It took several washes and eventually design choices to remove stains.

It’s been hanging on my clothing rack since then…and upon trying it again (after these first photos) it really didn’t look and fit as I intended. So I decided to change it again into a two piece, with a gather at the back for a better fit that feels more fresh and less formal. The skirt has a high-low cut as well.

I remember the day I found this sweater at the thrift store! Whenever I find vintage items that were produced in British Hong Kong, they remind me of where my dad grew up.

This vintage Neiman Marcus 100% mercerized cotton sweater is likely from the late 70s-early 80s.